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Why you should be here

These are the webpages of the „student body computer science“. If you are looking for official information, you will not find it here, though this page in particular is for your guidance. If you have any questions, look into our FAQ first. As the TU Dortmund is a german university, the languages we support are german and english, with which you should have no problem contacting both the student council or the faculty's foreign coordinators. If you have problems speaking both english and german, we have prepared a list of students that you can write to in your native language. These students will then try to communicate your questions to the student council's foreign coordinators that can - hopefully - help you out. Please begin the topic of your E-Mail with the tag [Foreign Affairs] , so we can quickly identify your mail amongst all the others we get each day.

Foreign Language Speakers
Language Name E-Mail-Adress
English Anyone fsinfo [at] lists.cs.tu-dortmund.de
Turkish Ismail Deliormanli ismail.deliormanli [at] udo.edu
French Felix Schäfer felix.schaefer [at] udo.edu

FAQ for foreign students

This is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for foreign students that want information about our course or about the computer science faculty:

  1. I want to contact the student council, how do I do that?
    • You can contact the student council either by mailing to fsinfo [at] lists.cs.tu-dortmund.de or by visiting our office in the faculty's building Otto-Hahn-Straße 14, Room E32 (FsR-Büro).
  2. Who is the foreign coordinator of the faculty?
    • Currently that is Hubert Wagner of chair 1. In the future, Lars Hildebrand of chair 1 will take over his job, so better set him into the CC of your E-Mail.
  3. When should I talk to the foreign coordinator of the faculty?
    • When you are having foreign affairs that have nothing to do with the content of your course.
  • foreign.1532704744.txt.bz2
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2018/07/27 17:19
  • von nicolas.lenz